Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Response to Blog post by a teacher.

I think this blog post is very accurate and I agree to it.  The teacher is saying the truth that school isn't about learning.  That even him as a teacher knows it's not about learning.  "The main event" of school is to push yourself in all areas, not only academics.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Blog Post of the Day:
3 day weekend... how was it? Give me a good story or something funny that happened this weekend. Go.

Over the weekend I caught up on sleep and homework.  I started the Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and got more than half way through the first season in one day.  I also had my first hamburger since the beginning of lent.  My family and I also went out to a nice dinner to celebrate my parents 19th wedding anniversary.  I ended my weekend by having my two softball games canceled. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Blog Post of the Day:
Do you agree or disagree with this statement. Elaborate on why you agree of disagree.

If images are on the internet they should be "free game".

I agree and disagree to some extent.  If an artist puts a piece of work online, I don' think it's right to take it and claim it as your own.  I definitely think credit should be given in the form of a citation.  On the other hand I think photographs of animals, food, or any other generic topic should be fair game.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Blog Post of the Day:
Reflect on your resume website.

I am very proud of my resume website.   I feel like it is very in depth and shows a lot about who I am.  I learned that they can be very useful in the world of business.  If I were to do something differently, I would add more visuals to my site or make it more hands on.  I really like the idea of a resume website and might use it in the future.